

This Year's UKAFF Short Film Judging Panel

As part of the new initiative for the UK Asian Film Festival to get young people to join the team of curators and the new short film judging panel, this years film festival kick started with a one day workshop on film analysis, film theory and film production.(Young Curators Lab) at Queen Mary University of London. The course was a success with some great ideas for short films by our panellist, who have gained an insight in filmmaking and what makes a successful short film.



This Year's UKAFF Short Film Judging Panel

As part of the new initiative for the UK Asian Film Festival to get young people to join the team of curators and the new short film judging panel, this years film festival kick started with a one day workshop on film analysis, film theory and film production.(Young Curators Lab) at Queen Mary University of London. The course was a success with some great ideas for short films by our panellist, who have gained an insight in filmmaking and what makes a successful short film.