We hope you enjoyed
your experience

Our work is supported by the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery, to help us reach audiences across the UK. This survey will help us find out if our activities are helping achieve this aim.

This survey will ask questions about you, including your age, gender and ethnic origin. All your answers are anonymous, but if you don't want to answer a particular question you can answer 'prefer not to say'.

Once completed, your answers will be collated and analysed by the UK Asian Film Festival, and the collated data will be shared with the BFI.

Name of the screening or event you attended
Venue name
Venue town or city
Date of screening or event
What do you rate the screening or event on a scale of 1 to 5?
Have you attended a screening or event this venue before?
Have you attended an event or screening run by this organisation before?
Screening or Event Information
1 / 5
Please enter your full postcode
What form of transport did you use for the longest part of your journey?
Please tell us your age.
What best describes your gender?
Is your gender identity the same now as it was assigned at birth?
What is your sexual orientation?
Travel and Personal Information
2 / 5
Do you relate to any of these statements? You may choose more than one.
Thinking of the main income earner in your household (which might be you or somebody else) which of these best describes them? (If the main income earner is retired, select the option which best describes what they did before they retired).
Personal Information
3 / 4
Which option best describes your ethnic origin or background?
Do you consider yourself to be from a disadvantaged background?
What is your religion or belief?
Ethnic origin or background
4 / 4
Thank you for completing our audience survey, and helping us reach audiences across the UK.
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