
My First Cinematic Memory

Movie Magic Masti is what is promised here. Lose yourself to the world of celluloid. Each month I’ll give you my take on movies, their impact and try to encourage more of you to join us in this wonderful adventure through each reel.

I have always loved movies and often  thought that if there was a degree in Bollywood studies I would get a first!

This month I wanted to take you on the journey to think about your first movie memory. Recently I wrote a recount about my first movie memory. Here I’ll share that and hope it takes you to your first cinematic memory .

‘First memorable journey into cinema was watching the film Guide in Southall. The packed cinema came alive as the film started. Big stars on the screen and it had started. In each reel I lost myself. A five year old in a foreign land with a very filmi family descended on the cinema to partake in its reminder of memories from home.

When the heroine danced her classical dance my feet tapped alongside her. I was too young to understand the story as its plot was quite out of reach for a small child but the songs were hauntingly beautiful.'

Hope to see you all at the Tongues on Fire presentation of A Thin Wall on the 26th November at the University of Westminster. The screening of the documentary is followed by Q&A with the director/writer Mara Ahmed and co producer Subri Dewan. Join us to hear stories of the partition. Look out for updates in the newsletter.

Keep watching and look forward to hearing about all your filmi memories!

So filmi it hurts.

Ritu Soni is a part-time teacher and part-time blogger. She is an avid supporter of two charities close to her heart and loves all things Bollywood!
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